Monday, November 23, 2009

Today shall be a few days before thanksgiving so i figure i will share a few things that i am thankfull for. I am very thankfull for the family i have! My girlfriend Hallie i am deffinetly very thankfull for having her! I am thankfull for the roof i have over my head. The truck i drive. I am pretty much thankfull for everything i have.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

This shall be a very nice buck

Monday, November 16, 2009

People ask why do we need grammar? When will it ever be usefull to us? Well here is an answer it might apply to someone so listen up. What if you become a editor? Your going to need alot of grammar so you can make the story your editing sounds professional. I dont know anyone who wants their paper or book to sound like a bunch of kindergartners wrote it. Maybe that was an answer for you. Have a nice day.